
Senin, 24 Juli 2017

Girls, do you ever feel the same thing?
Listen, i know every girl have her own beauty. I know every girl sued for her make up, organize itself for the better. And i also know the proverb says "beauty is pain, but ugly is more painfull"

But hey, sometime we just need to take a rest as soon after we go out. we just need to take a rest as soon and no need to remember that "omg i forgot to using night cream and another night care, how 'bout my face yesterday? my pores... my acnes... my wrinkles... my black stains... and also my panda eyes" oh fuck u.

sometime we just need to leave all of that fuckin' shit.

We just need micellar water to clean our make up then we go to sleep. It's more better if we don't need to clean our face with facial foam too. Or, we just need to go to sleep after clean our face without using night cream after that. Or we just need to jump to our bed without using night lotion and that bastard night cares.

For me, if you're tired after you go out, then you just have to clean your face with micellar water, only micellar water then sleep (yaa bcs u don't need to go to the toilet and get wet bcs of it, i think). It more sounds good if without facial foam, again. If you're tired after you go out, then you just have to leave all of that fuckin' night cream and night lotion and night cares yaaa whatever u call it. Even if you're tired as fuck after you go out, you don't need anything to do, just going to sleep with that make up running down your faces. Sorry, i mean face.

If you're tired after you go out, then you don't need to using mask to shrink your pores. Just go to your bed then pray "BISMIKAL LOOHUMMA AHYAA WA AMUUTU" and added a little pray "God, listen to me please. I'm begging to you, hopefully after i wake up tomorrow, my face instantly being smoothy like (mention your idol)" & don't forget to say amen. Hopefully there's a miracle so your pray immediately granted tomorrow.

Althought it's hard to believe.

-The Girl who tired after go out.

Dia 2

Hai! Hari ini aku mau cerita lagi. Ceritain dia ke kalian. Sekarang aku lagi dijalan tol KM 47 arah Jakarta, iya aku pulang ke Jakarta hari ini, mau liburan 3 bulan. Ah, aku mau cerita dia! Kalin harus denger ya, simak baik-baik. Dia itu tau aku kuliah di Bandung, dan kemaren dia abis dari Bandung sama temen-temennya, main doing katanya. Ga lama, dia nanya gini “kosan kamu jauh ga dari Parompong?” berhubung aku gak tau, ya aku jawab aja “ya jauh laaah”. Padahal mah aku gak tau Parompong dimana. Aku nanya Parompong tuh dimana, terus, tau gak jawabannya apa? Dia jawab “itu disebelah bank BNI”. Rasanya aku mau nimpuk dia waktu itu! “PLIS ATUHLAH BNI ITU BUKAN PATOKAN. BNI TUH ADA DIMANA-MANAAA”. Kalian tau, apa jawabannya dia? “hehehe. Aku lucu ya, ngegemesin. Kamu suka gak?” ih makin sebel aja aku dengernya, makin minta ditimpuk dia itu. Terus beberapa hari setelah itu, aku telponan sama dia bahas soal ini lagi. “emang kosan kamu beneran jauh dari Parompong?” katanya. Aku jawab, “sebenernya aku aja gatau Parompong dimana hehe” “itu, disebelah bank BNI” yah dia mulai lagi, kali ini aku timpalin aja. “wah serius? Kosan aku juga deket BNI loh, samping kirinya BNI dan samping kanannya BCA”. Kalian pasti sebel denger jawabannya “WAH IYA? WAH… JANGAN-JANGAN…” hahaha. Nada bicaranya ituloh, kayak beneran kaget padahal mah pura-pura! Hahaha. Terus lagi dia bilang “kalo gak salah Parompong tuh deket unay”. Dengan sotoynya aku jawab gini “unay? Oh, Universitas Ahmad Yani (padahal kayaknya di Bandung ga ada univ itu) eh iya gak sih? Gak tau deh, kayaknya bukan. Emang unay apa?”. Dengan santainya dia jawab “apa yaaa? Aku juga sebenernya gatau unay itu apa hehehe” IH. Aku makin ngerasa dia tuh mirip Dilan, ngomong hal-hal yang gak penting tapi bikin seneng. Tapi, kira-kira, aku udah mirip Milea belom?

Tol Cikampek, Juni 2017